Tuesday, January 25, 2011

International Speech / Table Topic Contest 2011

International Speech / Table Topic Contest 2011
Come join us at our usual meeting venue: Suasana Sentral (map in this blog)
Date: 15 Feb 2011
Time: 7.30pm (refreshments served at 6.45pm)
To all toastmasters who are interested to participate as a contestant or even to
volunteer as a role player, please do not hesitate to contact Joan at  joanlynn@gmail.com:)
Just some brief info on the contest:
The contest is an avenue for Toastmasters to motivate and encourage stepping up their game where speaking skills are concerned. A bit of friendly competition also doubles up as an avenue for newbies and aspiring speakers to learn from contestants.
Great fun to watch for toastmasters and non-toastmasters! 
Great place to learn and meet others with similar goals in public speaking!


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